NYC Federal Judge Colleen McMahon, Frank V. Sica, their private foundations, and Tailwind Capital Management, LLC have been implicated in a RICO Criminal Usury Loan Sharking Conspiracy.
See the complete article at: IRNewswires Judicial Corruption Reports.
IRNewswires Judicial Corruption Reports.
NYC federal judge Colleen McMahon, her spouse, Frank V. Sica, and his employer, Tailwind Capital, involved in RICO unlawful debt creation and collection.
Manhattan federal judge Colleen McMahon
Judge McMahon’s Spouse and Coconspirator Frank V. Sica.
New evidence confirmed that Judge McMahon, Frank V. Sica, and/or his employer, Tailwind Capital Management, LLP, funded, and engaged in unlawful convertible debt instruments and their collection.
September 18, 2022
IRNewswires Judicial Corruption Reports
Alan Reitman, JD, Ph.D., summa cum laude, Sr. Int’l Investigative Reporter
Meredith Kammler, LLB, LLM, Ph.D., Sr. Int’l Investigative Reporter
Harold Morey, Executive Editor
New York, NY
Dkt 106, Court filing in Ware v. USA, et al., 22cv3409 (SDNY).[1]
IRN’s lawyers and investigators have conducted an intensive six months investigation into the publicly reported judicial financial disclosures of Manhattan, NY U.S. federal District Judge (SDNY) Colleen McMahon, her spouse, Frank V. Sica, and their multiple foundations. IRN’s investigators accessed and investigated Judge McMahon’s public judicial financial disclosures required of all U.S. federal judges. The investigation confirmed information IRN had received from a confidential source, a person that had knowledge of Judge McMahon, Frank V. Sica,[2] and his employer, Tailwind Capital Management, LLC numerous alleged dubious, nefarious, and criminal investments.
IRN was been informed from several sources that Judge McMahon and Frank V. Sica had made numerous illegal convertible promissory note investments in many privately owned companies in which the unlawful debt investments charged a criminal usury rate of interest. IRN’s investigation of Judge McMahon’s and Frank V. Sica’s financial records confirmed they have made more than 55 dubious and/or illegal investments since 2006. Illegal investments are valued between $10.5M and $55M.
Moreover, IRN’s investigation uncovered that Judge McMahon and Frank V. Sica have used Judge McMahon’s judicial position as a U.S. federal judge to personally benefit themselves, their families, and friends, and to benefit Frank V. Sica’s employer, Tailwind Capital Management, LLC evade exposure and to avoid civil and criminal prosecution for money laundering, conspiracy to commit insider trading, RICO unlawful debt creation and collection, and other felony state and federal criminal offenses. The investigation uncovered that Judge McMahon has impeded and criminally obstructed the proceedings in 02cv2219 (SDNY)[3] which involved the creation and collection of RICO unlawful debts by Alpha Capital, AG, and its affiliates.
The investigation also uncovered that Judge McMahon abused her judicial position to cover up and impede the adjudication of the 02cv2219 proceedings, which would have drawn critical attention to Judge McMahon and Frank V. Sica’s numerous unlawful criminal usury investments. One of the most nefarious unlawful debt investment IRN investigated was the purported 2017 convertible promissory debt investment made in TG&L, LLC, a Delaware LLC.
Judge McMahon disclosed in her 2018 judicial financial disclosure, Ex. 1, items ##396, 397, a purported convertible promissory note investment of between $250,000 — $500,000. However, in the 2018 Form D, see Ex. 2, below, only $500,000 was authorized to be issued by TG&L. Therefore, Judge McMahon purchased at least half (50%) or all (100%) of the offering. Why is the question?
Ex. 2
2017 SEC Form D filing for TG&L Holdings, LLC $500K offering.
Ex. 1
Judge McMahon’s dubious and nefarious investment.
IRN’s investigators conducted a thorough investigation on TG&L Holdings, LLC, and have not been able to verify whether or not TG&L is anything more than a shell “front” company. Thus, the obvious question is, Why would a U.S. federal judge and her spouse, Frank V. Sica, legitimately invest more than $250k to $500k in a front ‘shell’ company? Was the purported investment nothing more than a bribe, a kickback, a payoff, or for other illegal or nefarious purposes? In any event, Judge McMahon, Frank V. Sica, and TG&L have many questions to answer.
Judge McMahon’s and her spouse’s personal assets are in legal jeopardy that resulted from her purported investments in the convertible promissory notes, see U.S. U.S. law, Title 28, sections 455(a) and 455(b)(1–5), makes Judge McMahon judicially disqualified regarding the subject matter of the 02cv2219 (SDNY) lawsuit — that is, the convertible promissory note purported investments made by unregistered broker-dealer Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt). Yet Judge McMahon has refused to recuse herself from involvement in the 02cv2219 (SDNY) moot lawsuit, and court filings show that Judge McMahon undertook fraudulent and illegal actions to aid and abet Alpha Capital, AG continued collection of RICO unlawful debts.
IRN’s lawyers confirmed that Judge McMahon and Frank V. Sica invested in more than 55 convertible promissory note contracts. That number of investments and the amount of the purported investments required Judge McMahon and Frank V. Sica to have registered with FINRA as broker-dealers as required by U.S. federal law, Title 15, section 78o(a)(1). FINRA’s public website confirmed neither have lawfully registered as broker-dealers. Which unlawful status raises the question, What is it that Judge McMahon and Frank V. Sica are hiding, concealing, and covering up that is so valuable that they have accepted the penal legal consequences, federal prison, for their palpable financial crimes?
IRN will continue to investigate Judge Colleen McMahon, Frank V. Sica, and Tailwind Capital Management, LLC, and report its findings.
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[2] IRN’s investigators uncovered thousands of insider trading reports filed by Frank V. Sica,