IRNewswires Special Judicial Corruption Investigation (SDNY) Report

Ulysses Thomas Ware
4 min readDec 6, 2021

USAG Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney Damian Williams, Margaret M. Garnett, District Judges Edgardo Ramos, and Chief District Judge Laura Taylor-Swain’s Conspiracy to obstruct, delay, frustrate, impede, and undermine the due administration of justice and the rule of law.


IRNewswires Media Group

Meredith Kammler, LLB. LLM, Ph.D., Int’l Investigative reporter

Alan Reitman, JD, Ph.D., Esq., summa cum laude, Int’l Investigative Reporter.

December 6, 2021

London, UK

Judicial and Prosecutorial Criminal Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice.

IRN’s lawyers and investigators have obtained a copy of Ulysses T. Ware’s latest submissions to the U.S. District Court (SDNY) in the Ware cases, U.S. v. Ware, 04cr1224 (SDNY) and 05cr1115 (SDNY). The record evidence is overwhelming. Numerous judicial and prosecutorial crimes have been committed by sitting federal judges and federal prosecutors, Damian Williams, Margaret M. Garnett, Merrick Garland, and others.

In particular, in what is perhaps the most egregious and pernicious, are the judicial crimes, high crimes, and misdemeanors, impeachable offenses, committed and currently being committed by Article III judicial officers, Edgardo Ramos, and Laura Taylor-Swain, both U.S. federal judges. IRN’s investigators uncovered previously concealed and suppressed conclusive proof, the December 8, 2012, letter of Mr. Ware to then Magistrate Judge (SDNY) Michael H. Dolinger. Judge Dolinger played an instrumental and critical role in the willful and criminal suppression and concealment of the government’s “principal witness” at trial in Mr. Ware’s 05cr1115 case, Jeremy Jones’ USSG 5k perjury contracts.

IRN’s investigators have been informed according to officials within the Office of the District Clerk (SDNY), who fearing vicious retaliation spoke under a condition of confidentiality that, Jeremy Jones’ secret Rule 11 proceedings occurred, “with the permission and under the exclusive direction of former District Judge Williams H. Pauley, III” (deceased). Judge Dolinger allegedly accepted Jones’ purported Rule 11 plea agreement and USSG 5k perjury contract on or about September 22, 2006, allegedly in “open court.” However, the Clerk’s Office confirmed that Jones’ alleged Rule 11 proceedings were and have never been officially placed on the public docket in 05cr1115 (SDNY) by “orders of Judge Pauley.” IRN’s lawyers have talked with officials inside the Office of the Clerk (SDNY) who refused to speak on the records for “fear of retaliation” who recently informed IRN’s Alan Reitman, Esq.:

IRN’s lawyers have obtained definitive proof and according to Second Circuit judicial precedents, Judges Pauley and Robert W. Sweet (deceased), both deliberately and intentionally violated due process of law by the illegal and fraudulent entry of two illegal alleged “leave-to-file” sanction orders, Dkt. 222 (Pauley, J.) and Dkt 160 (Sweet, J.), ostensibly as the illegal means and methods to prevent, obstruct, frustrate, delay, and impede Mr. Ware from gaining access to Jones’ and other government witnesses’ “cooperation and nonprosecution agreements” required to have been disclosed to Mr. Ware pursuant to the commands of the Brady Court Orders entered in 05cr1115 (Dkt. 17, Tr. 5–6) and 04cr1224 (Dkt. 32).

According to court records in July 2021, District Judge Edgardo Ramos was substituted in both 04cr1224 and 05cr1115 after the deaths of Judges Sweet and Pauley, respectively; and Judge Ramos, being severely unqualified and apparently ignorant of the constitutional requirements regarding due process of law, has eagerly and with malice aforethought, as a willing participant in the conspiracy to obstruct justice, Judge Ramos has willfully continued the illegal scheme to violate Mr. Ware’s right to due process of law by the illegal and unconstitutional enforcement of the null and void ab initio alleged and purported “leave-to-file” sanction orders: entered in the “absence of all jurisdiction,” entered in egregious violation of Second Circuit judicial precedents, and due process of law.

Judges Edgardo Ramos and Chief District Judge Laura Taylor-Swain, both, functioning as unindicted co-conspirators have knowingly and willfully colluded and conspired with the Government’s lawyers, Damian Williams, USAG Merrick Garland, and others to knowingly, willfully, in bad faith, as a fraud on the federal courts, to continue to conceal and suppress Jones’ fraudulent and void ab initio Rule 11 and USSG 5k perjury contract, (Brady and Giglio exculpatory and impeachment evidence), by preventing and criminally impeding Mr. Ware from having his submissions timely adjudicated on the merits, and the timely enforcement of the Brady Court Orders via the civil and criminal contempt court processes, cf., with the Federal Tort Claim Act.

The Ware cases are perhaps the most pernicious and insidious occurrences of criminal prosecutorial and judicial misconduct and corruption that IRNewswires has reported on in the last 30 years. Cases on par with the corruption of the American Executive Branch in the Watergate Scandal that brought down an American president, Richard M. Nixon. Will this festering judicial and prosecutorial Jim Crow racially-motivated scandal bring down the entire United States Justice Department? “The bell is tolling. It tolls for thee.”

Democracy is not equipped for conspiracy between the Executive and Judicial Branches. That is its Achilles heel. That is its downfall.”

(Herman Melville).

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